Platform Kayak Seat; 147 low
  • Low seat
  • 25 mm high
  • 147mm sub frame width
  • £145.00

The Low seat has a 15mm lower paddling position and is perfect for the paddler that requires more stability.  The seat has 2 height settings and no change of pitch. The seat is located and held onto the boat platform by a front slide track and two rear bolt system.  With forward and backward adjustment of 143mm at 7.5mm increments gives fine adjustment for leg positioning, allows you to achieve your optimum paddling position.  The seat will easily transfer between boats with the same platform fitting.  Changes to the seat set up are quick and easy, even when at the waters edge (no need for a tool kit).

The 147 low seat is suitable for the less stable paddler, used by club starter and novice DW paddlers.

There is a higher seat option which has a 15mm higher paddling position and 5 height adjustments.  Please  see Platform Seat 147  for details.

The 147 seat size platforms are used by Kirton Kayaks and Marsport.

Seat Platform
  • K1 Platform
    • £52.80 +
  • K2 Platform
    • £58.60 each

Gees seat platforms are designed with a slide and rear bolt system; the seat is held securely even when the boat is upside down.

The seat adjustment is over 143mm at 7.5mm increments.

Platforms are available from 175mm to 255mm wide for the 147 seats and 215mm to 255mm for the 183 seats. Wider widths are available for larger K2 and K4 kayaks

The choice of platform width is important as the wider the platform the higher the seat. The seat height position is relevant to the water and not the height within the boat. Kayaks vary in draft/displacement by 35mm from the stable racing kayaks to the modern narrow hull sections.

K2 platforms are usually wider and tapered to maintain a level position, custom made for each model of boat and height.

Platforms are easily installed in craft without them (see fitting information).

Helpful hints for installing platforms:

  • Locate platform in front to back position.
  • Level boat then level platform.
  • Apply masking tape to hull around platform glue area.
  • Sand hull to expose fibres and clean surface.
  • Apply masking tape to top edge of platform.
  • Apply glue, work into both surfaces then apply more.
  • Position platform.
  • Place 5kg of weight on the platform to hold it in position, use a flat board along the centre of the platform to spread the weight.
  • Check level.
  • Tidy up glue line.
  • Remove masking tape allow glue to harden over night.

Recommended glue

  • Flexible Polyurethane
  • Soudaflex 40FC Polyurethane Adhesive
  • Sikaflex – 291i marine adhesive / sealant
    • (other makes available)

Seat adjustment:

  • When adjusting position and heights of the seat it might be necessary to
  • slacken thumb nuts to align bolts with holes.
  • Do not over tighten thumb nuts as this will make them much harder to undo.
  • To maintain your Gees seat, dry after use.